"Mr. Silman has become the leading chess writer in America. My students swear by his work". -- John Watson, International Chess Master, author of Play the French
"The Amateur's Mind is eminently readable and instruction-rich. Jeremy Silman never disappoints those who seriously wish to improve their game". -- Joel Benjamin, International Grand Master, 1987 U.S. champion
Most amateurs possess erroneous thinking processes that, elusive and difficult to eradicate, remain with them throughout their lives. These chinks in their mental armor bring about stinging defeats and reversals.
To address the most common of these problems, Mr. Silman has recorded the thoughts of his students while they play actual games, analyzed these thoughts, and catalogued the most typical misconceptions that arise. He then dispels these misconceptions and repairs the chinks in the player's armor with sage advice, rules of conduct and strategy, and psychological insights.
The Amateur's Mind takes the student on a journey through his or her own mind, gathering newfound knowledge and strength along the way. It's a mind-opening guide for all beginning and intermediate tournament-level players.
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